* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '- loaded the GameView nib but the view outlet was not set.' This hints that MonoGame might not be the culprit here, and this might have something to do with how Cocoa is being initialized.This is not the same situation as the multitude of other similar questions here. Loaded assembly: /Users/thefiddler/dev/projects/thefiddler/Test/bin/Debug/Test.exe This is on mono 3.8.0 using a freshly built version of the develop branch. Loaded assembly: /Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/3.8.0/lib/mono/gac/System.Drawing/
Loaded assembly: /Users/thefiddler/dev/projects/thefiddler/Test/bin/Debug/MonoMac.dll Loaded assembly: /Users/thefiddler/dev/projects/thefiddler/Test/bin/Debug/